Technical & Vocational Schools in Wyoming

Auto Mechanic Schools in Wyoming

Most of the schools in Wyoming do a great job at splitting up learning between classroom and hands-on evenly, whereas other schools focus heavily on one rather than the other. There are only 4 mechanic schools in Wyoming which offer a choice of Bachelor and Associate degrees. If you have a desire to be a diesel mechanic, many of these schools provide a great learning experience to dive into that workspace and start your career.

List of All Mechanic Schools in Wyoming

  • Casper College, Casper, WY
  • WyoTech, Laramie, WY
  • Central Wyoming College, Riverton, WY
  • Laramie County Community College, Cheyenne, WY
  • Western Wyoming Community College, Rock Springs, WY

Schools in Wyoming

Mechanic Jobs in Wyoming


Projected Job Growth

Working as an Auto Mechanic in Wyoming

There are many job routes you can choose when becoming a mechanic, especially in Wyoming. Some of these job paths include: Diesel Mechanic, Vintage Restoration, Master Mechanic, Collision Repair, Marine Mechanic, Motorcycle Mechanic, NASCAR Mechanic, Aircraft Mechanic, and much more. There are many opportunities and they offer great compensation as the annual salary for mechanics is quite a bit higher than most other states. This is a result of Wyoming being ranked number one for their mechanics. Aside from career, Wyoming is a beautiful state to live in as they hold some of the country’s best national and state parks such as Yellowstone national park and the Grand Teton national park.

Job Type Total in Wyoming Average Hourly Wage Average Annual Salary
Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics 1,360 $23.07 $47,990
Automotive Body and Related Repairers 270 $24.21 $50,360
Bus and Truck Mechanics and Diesel Engine Specialists 1,010 $25.19 $52,400

Trade Schools Near You

Directory of Wyoming Schools

Featured Trade Schools in Wyoming

Casper College Logo

Casper College
Diesel Power Technology
Automotive Technology
Auto Body Repair Technology
and more…

Casper College Logo

Automotive Technology
Collision and Refinishing Technology
Diesel Technology
and more…

All Mechanic Schools in Wyoming

School Address Programs More Info
Central Wyoming College
2660 Peck Avenue Riverton, WY 82501 Automotive Technology
Power Sports
Parts Specialist

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Laramie County Community College
1400 E College Dr Cheyenne, WY 82007 Auto Body Repair
Automotive Technology
Diesel Technology

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Western Wyoming Community College
2500 College Dr Rock Springs, WY 82902 Automotive Technology
Alternate Fuel Vehicle Technology
Diesel Technology
Diesel and Heavy Equipment
Diesel and Medium/Heavy Truck

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Available Grants & Scholarships

Nationwide Scholarships and Grants

Automotive Scholarships and Grants Location Description Deadline
Future Mechanic Grant Nationwide Up to $1,000 for aspiring auto mechanics 12/1/2019
Andrew Piech Memorial Scholarship Nationwide Up to $2,200 for graduates of New Mexico high school June each year
Mike Rowe Work Ethic Scholarship Nationwide Full-Tuition paid for eligible students March each year
Federal Pell Grants Nationwide Up to $6,195, for low-income households Varies
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) Nationwide Various, for low-income households Varies
Automotive Aftermarket Scholarship Nationwide Various, one application for many scholarships March each year
Berto Diaz Engineering Scholarship Nationwide Up to $1,000 for Mechanical Engineering Students January each year
BMW/SAE Engineering Scholarship Nationwide Up to $6,000 paid annually in $1,500 increments March each year
Brent Strohmeyer Memorial Foundation Scholarship Nationwide Up to $400 for eligible students April each year
GMiS Scholars Program Nationwide Various, for underrepresented students in tech April each year
SMA Native American STEM Scholarship Nationwide Up to $1,500, for Native American STEM students June each year
Viceroy Auto Trans Scholarship Nationwide Up to $1,000 for eligible students March each year
Automotive Hall of Fame Educational Fund Nationwide Up to $2,000 for eligible students June each year
Clunker Junker Cash for Cars and College Scholarship Nationwide Up to $1,000 for eligible female students Varies
SEMA Memorial Scholarship Fund Nationwide Up to $5,000 for eligible students March each year
Edward D. Hendrickson/SAE Engineering Scholarship Nationwide Up to $4,000 for eligible students distributed in $1,000 increments for four years March each year
TMC/SAE Donald D. Dawson Technical Scholarship Nationwide Up to $6,000 for eligible students distributed in $1,500 increments for four years March each year
Fred M. Young Sr./SAE Engineering Scholarship Nationwide Up to $4,000 for eligible students distributed in $1,000 increments for four years March each year
Tau Beta Pi/SAE Engineering Scholarship Nationwide Up to $1,000 for eligible students March each year
Yanmar/SAE Scholarship Nationwide Up to $1,000 for eligible students March each year
Horatio Alger Association CTE Scholarships Nationwide Up to $2,500 for eligible students June each year
AmericanMuscle Automotive Scholarship Nationwide Up to $2,000 for eligible students June & October each year
Imagine America Foundation - High School Scholarship Nationwide Up to $1,000 for eligible students December 31 of Graduation Year
Imagine America Adult Skills Education Program Nationwide Up to $1,000 for eligible students No Deadline
Imagine America Military Award Program Nationwide Up to $1,000 for eligible students No Deadline