Trade & Technical Schools in Nebraska

Auto Mechanic Schools in Nebraska

Going to school in Nebraska can be a great opportunity, since there are many different schools that offer auto mechanic degrees. Many of the schools have multiple campuses you can choose from, which is convenient if you need to move in the middle of your education experience. Along with that, many of the schools offer different degree options within the automotive realm, such as classic car restoration or options for agriculture equipment technology. Last, schools in Nebraska are a little bit cheaper than elsewhere, especially if you are a student who already lives in the state.

Get Connected with a School

Not sure where to start? We can put you in contact with whatever school you would like. Start your path to your dream career as a mechanic below!

Working as an Auto Mechanic in Nebraska

Getting a job in Nebraska in the future will be easier than in many other states as the projected job growth is above the national average of 5% at 9.6%. Living in Nebraska will be much like some of its neighboring states, such as South DakotaIowaKansas, or Missouri but a perk is that the average salary for auto mechanics in Nebraska is a little bit higher than these other states. If you love living in Council Bluffs, Iowa (or other bordering cities) but are looking for an opportunity of a higher wage, Nebraska would be a great place to go!

  • Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics
    • Total in Nebraska: 4,670
    • Average Hourly Wage: $20.47
    • Average Annual Salary: $42,590
  • Automotive Body and Related Repairers
    • Total in Nebraska: 1,330
    • Average Hourly Wage: $21.42
    • Average Annual Salary: $44,560
  • Bus and Truck Mechanics and Diesel Engine Specialists
    • Total in Nebraska: 2,350
    • Average Hourly Wage: $21.33
    • Average Annual Salary: $44,360