Technical & Mechanic Schools in Kansas

Auto Mechanic Schools in Kansas

If you are wanting to earn your auto mechanic degree in Kansas, you have many different options to choose from with not only the school but also your degree or specific training. With 20 different schools offering auto mechanic degrees, students in Kansas have more to choose from than most states surrounding. This is a result of Kansas being a well established state for auto mechanics which means there is great educational opportunities and many of the schools can help students get connected with auto shops much better as they have well-established partnerships all across the state.

Get Connected with a School

Not sure where to start? We can put you in contact with whatever school you would like. Start your path to your dream career as a mechanic below!

Working as an Auto Mechanic in Kansas

One downside of being an auto mechanic in Kansas, the projected job growth is extremely low compared to the national average of 5%. Therefore, it could be very hard to get connected to a job if you are new to the state or if you are looking for a change later on in the future. Along with that, Kansas does offer an average salary that is on par with the national average which is good based on the low cost of living in the state. This can help assure that once you get a job, you will not have much to worry about except maintaining that job as your wage will be more than enough to sustain you in the state. If you need a change though, check out someĀ other states that might interest you for your auto mechanic needs!

  • Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics
    • Total in Kansas: 6,230
    • Average Hourly Wage: $18.93
    • Average Annual Salary: $39,380
  • Automotive Body and Related Repairers
    • Total in Kansas: 1,220
    • Average Hourly Wage: $19.74
    • Average Annual Salary: $41,060
  • Bus and Truck Mechanics and Diesel Engine Specialists
    • Total in Kansas: 2,760
    • Average Hourly Wage: $20.96
    • Average Annual Salary: $43,590