Mechanic Schools in West Virginia

Auto Mechanic Schools in West Virginia

West Virginia provides an abundance of technical and trade schools that offer auto mechanic degrees and certificates. Many of the schools offer multiple locations and several different disciplines within automotive technology giving students the ability to change. If a student decides they want to move within West Virginia, they will be able to find a vocational school nearby. If a student decides to change their discipline, there will most likely be a school that offers the program they seek. Or, if a student just wants to continue their education and earn more degrees or certifications so that they can open up their opportunity for jobs and pay increases, West Virginia schools will be there to help.

Get Connected with a School

Not sure where to start? We can put you in contact with whatever school you would like. Start your path to your dream career as a mechanic below!

Working as an Auto Mechanic in West Virginia

When living in West Virginia, there are many things to just enjoy such as great state museums, parks, and even natural wonders such as the Lost World Caverns. There really is a lot to do in West Virginia so your career does not need to be all that you do. The auto mechanic industry in the state is very saturated at the moment with one of the highest employment per thousand jobs in the state. This means that it will be a competitive industry to get into so it may be interesting to check out opportunities inĀ other states.

  • Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics
    • Total in West Virginia: 4,080
    • Average Hourly Wage: $15.97
    • Average Annual Salary: $33,230
  • Automotive Body and Related Repairers
    • Total in West Virginia: 730
    • Average Hourly Wage: $18.04
    • Average Annual Salary: $37,520
  • Bus and Truck Mechanics and Diesel Engine Specialists
    • Total in West Virginia: 1,930
    • Average Hourly Wage: $18.46
    • Average Annual Salary: $38,390