Mechanic Schools in Ohio

Attending Technical College in Ohio

Ohio is one of the stronger states as far as the trade school options. There are over 53 mechanic schools in Ohio, including schools in Columbus, Dayton, Toledo, Cincinnati, Cleveland and many of the smaller cities as well. These schools range from smaller, automotive-focused schools like Ohio Technical College, to larger Universities like UNOH, which offer automotive mechanic programs. To find the best mechanic school in Ohio for you, be sure to consider location, tuition costs, financial aid available, specializations, learning environment and housing options. Our directory of schools below will give you a good starting point to learn more.

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Working as an Auto Mechanic in Ohio

Ohio is in the top 10 for mechanic job openings, with over 2,600 open jobs per year on average. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) shows over 28,000 jobs for mechanics in Ohio. The state is projected to see a smaller growth rate in mechanic jobs in the next ten years, compared with other states, but will still see growth nonetheless. Overall, it’s a stable state with one of the largest job pools, so it’s a good place to start or continue your career. According to the BLS, the average yearly salary for auto techs and mechanics in Ohio is $38,130, with the top 10% earning around $60,000 per year. Keep in mind that this can vary pretty widely by city and specialty. For instance, mechanics in Columbus make an average of $11,000 more per year than those in Toledo. Here are salaries by the most common automotive careers in Ohio:

  • Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics
    • Total in Ohio: 24,680
    • Average Hourly Wage: $18.33
    • Average Annual Salary: $38,130
  • Automotive Body and Related Repairers
    • Total in Ohio: 5,870
    • Average Hourly Wage: $20.29
    • Average Annual Salary: $42,200
  • Automotive Glass Installers and Repairers
    • Total in Ohio: 940
    • Average Hourly Wage: $19.77
    • Average Annual Salary: $41,130
  • Bus and Truck Mechanics and Diesel Engine Specialists
    • Total in Ohio: 11,570
    • Average Hourly Wage: $21.38
    • Average Annual Salary: $44,460