Auto Mechanic Schools in North Dakota

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Although there are a few schools in North Dakota, one school clearly stands out among the rest, North Dakota State College of Science. This is a result of their wide variety of options, offering over 10 different degrees and certifications which is the only school in the state to do so. NDSCS is a great school to go to if you are unsure of what you want to study or if you want to get into multiple different types of mechanic work. If you know you just want general automotive technician training, any of the other schools in North Dakota will be a great option!

Get Connected with a School

Not sure where to start? We can put you in contact with whatever school you would like. Start your path to your dream career as a mechanic below!

Working as an Auto Mechanic in North Dakota

North Dakota is a great state to work in as a mechanic as it is among the highest paying states for automotive technicians. Not only do they pay really well in North Dakota, they also have an extremely high projected job growth so if you are worried about getting a job in a few years after you get your degree or certification, this is a great state to be. This type of job growth is not only good for new entrants into the job force, it will also be great for you a little bit further into the future as you seek promotions or a change in career. North Dakota is a hidden gem in the United States with its beautiful scenery and close vicinity to Canada if you want to travel internationally every once in a while.

  • Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics
    • Total in North Dakota: 2,300
    • Average Hourly Wage: $20.85
    • Average Annual Salary: $43,380
  • Automotive Body and Related Repairers
    • Total in North Dakota: 650
    • Average Hourly Wage: $24.53
    • Average Annual Salary: $51,030
  • Bus and Truck Mechanics and Diesel Engine Specialists
    • Total in North Dakota: 1,460
    • Average Hourly Wage: $24.97
    • Average Annual Salary: $51,940